Meet up... Online

Next meet up date:

DATE: next date coming soon



Please note: Closed captioning is available on Zoom, and please feel free to email with any accessibility requirements and we will do our very best to accommodate them.

How to join the meet up

Why an online group?

After the Covid-19 pandemic hit, we knew that we needed to ensure our meet ups were always accessible, wherever you lived. So we started a group that is completely online! If you’re aged 18-35 and have been bereaved, you can join this group – either as well as, or instead of, one of our location based meet ups. 

Is it only for UK residents?

No! The beauty of an online meet up is that anyone can join from anywhere in the world. We’d love to see you and will ensure that all meet ups work for as many time zones as possible.

Join our Facebook group

The Zoom links are always shared in the Let’s Talk About Loss Online Facebook group – it’s a safe space only for those who have been bereaved, and you’ll be able to find out all the latest information about the meet ups. Request to join by clicking here.

Email us

If you don’t have access to Facebook, that’s no problem! Email us for the Zoom link or to chat about the next Online meet up. Our email is or you can use the contact form at the bottom of this page.

Meet your Online Hosts

She is currently living in London but originally from Newcastle. She lost her Dad suddenly in 2011 and started running as a way of dealing with her grief. In 2018 after losing her auntie (she called her Bee) who was like a second mum to her, she felt totally lost. She wants to talk to people who understand what it’s like and hopefully help people open up about their own grief.

Elizabeth’s youngest sister, Lorna, died suddenly at the beginning of 2021. She used her love of poetry and literature as an outlet for her grief and found great comfort in connecting with others who were bereaved. A comfort she hopes she can share with others through her work with Let’s Talk About Loss.
A photo of Sarah, a white woman with straight hair.
Though she has set a place for death and grief at the dinner table since she was a little girl, the death of Sarah’s grandad just before she turned 20 really hit her hard and she felt totally lost. Which was then followed up by the really sudden death of a close friend a few years later. She wishes that there had been the resources or a similar group when she was going through the initial dark times and had people to speak to who understood what it’s like. She found a really good writing group through Let’s Talk About Loss and that has really brought her comfort and given her an outlet to get the emotions out in a safe and non-judgemental way. She finds using her creative skills to work through the grief and changing it into something more beautiful like a poem or a piece of art has really benefitted her. Sarah is hopeful that she can help people open up about their own grief.

We can't wait to meet you! Email to chat

Got questions or want to speak to us?